Business Profile Form

Business General Information
Required Field
Required Field
Required Field – ex: http(s)://
Responsible Party For Financial Data: Required Field
Required Field
Required Field
Does the Organization have Audited Financials: Yes No
$ Required Field
$ Required Field

Financial Data (At minimum; please provide the last three financial years in USD) (OPTIONAL)
Description CY2015 CY2016 CY2017 CY2018 CY2019 CY2020
Sales Revenue: $ $ $ $ $ $
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): $ $ $ $ $ $
Gross Profit:(calc) $ $ $ $ $ $
Operating Expense (SG&A): $ $ $ $ $ $
Operating Income:(calc) $ $ $ $ $ $
Interest: $ $ $ $ $ $
Taxes: $ $ $ $ $ $
Depreciation & Amortization: $ $ $ $ $ $
EBITDA:(calc) $ $ $ $ $ $
Investment Income: (optional) $ $ $ $ $ $
Adj. Cash Flow: $ $ $ $ $ $

(Please do not ‘run calculations’ if data was provided for ‘calc’ fields.)